Sunday, May 11, 2008

bodies experiencing

Hey everyone-

Here's a delayed post about the book that I talked about during my presentation. It's called The Spell of the Sensuous, by David Abram. I have the library's copy right now, but if you ever run into it anywhere, or have time next semester, I would highly recommend flipping through it a little. He talks about his experiences of re-entering the bland Western environment after having traveled through Asia where he was very stimulated by his surroundings, and his attempt to re-connect to or explore the "reciprocal relationship" that humans have with nature. It's a really delightful read because of his writing, but for me especially because of his discussion of the subjective, emotional daily experience--which is often overlooked in a world where hard sciences and non-subjective truths are prioritized.

Also, congratulations with Feet to the Fire--I was very impressed with everyone's work!

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